Steve Wasserman in Conversation with Mark Danner – Mrs. Dalloway’s, Berkeley

Steve Wasserman discusses his new book from Heyday, Tell Me Something, Anything, Even If It’s a Lie, with Mark Danner at Mrs. Dalloway’s in Berkeley.

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Steve Wasserman is publisher of Heyday. A 1974 graduate of UC Berkeley, he holds a degree in criminology. His past positions include being deputy editor of the op-ed page and opinion section of the Los Angeles Times; editor of the Los Angeles Times Book Review; editorial director of New Republic Books; publisher and editorial director of Hill and Wang at Farrar, Straus & Giroux and of the Noonday Press; editorial director of Times Books at Random House; and editor at large for Yale University Press. A former partner of the literacy agency Kneerim & Williams, he represented many authors, including Christopher Hitchens, Linda Ronstadt, Robert Scheer, and David Thomson. He is the author of Tell Me Something, Tell Me Anything, Even If It’s a Lie.

Mark Danner is a writer, reporter and educator who for more than three decades has written on war, politics and conflict. Danner holds the Class of 1961 Distinguished Chair in Undergraduate Education at the University of California, Berkeley and is the James Clarke Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs and the Humanities at Bard College. Among his books are The Massacre at El Mozote, Torture and Truth, The Secret Way to War, Stripping Bare the Body and Spiral: Trapped in the Forever War. Danner was a longtime staff writer at The New Yorker, is a frequent contributor to The New York Review of Books, and his work has also appeared in Harper’s, The New York Times, Aperture and many other newspapers and magazines. He has written and co-produced two hour-long ABC News documentaries and an eight-part documentary series on US foreign policy and genocide. Danner’s work has received, among other honors, a National Magazine Award, three Overseas Press Awards, Guggenheim and an Emmy. In 1999 Danner was named a MacArthur Fellow. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Century Association, and a resident curator at the Telluride Film Festival.