On the Eve of a New Cold War?: Foreign Reporting in the Shadow of Ukraine
Mark Danner · On the Eve of a New Cold
Mark Danner teaches at the University of California at Berkeley, where he is Professor of English, Journalism, and Politics, and at Bard College, in New York’s Hudson Valley, where he is James Clarke Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs, Politics, and Humanities. Danner teaches politics, foreign and domestic; international affairs; and literature. He has taught courses that take up political violence and foreign policy crisis; terrorism, torture and the war in Iraq; and Don Juan, Faust and Dostoevsky, among many others.
Mark Danner · On the Eve of a New Cold
Mark Danner · Murderers Madmen and Dissolutes: Cormac McCarthy and
Laughter and Annihilation The Writing of Samuel Beckett Spring 2022/ English
Present at the Creation Reporting on America Abroad Journalism
Fall 2021 | UC Berkeley
Spring 2021 | UC Berkeley
Spring 2021 | UC Berkeley
Spring 2020 | UC Berkeley
Spring 2020 | UC Berkeley
Spring 2019 | UC Berkeley
Spring 2019 | UC Berkeley