National Security and Foreign Policy in the Trump Age


Nahal Toosi and Mark Danner 030220 from Mark Danner on Vimeo.

Random text messages. Secret meetings at the FDR memorial. Interviews that feel like therapy sessions. And a jazz concert at the Russian Embassy. Covering national security in Washington has always been both harder and easier than outsiders may know. Under President Donald Trump, it’s become, well, really weird. Join POLITICO reporter Nahal Toosi for a talk and Q&A about covering national security and foreign policy in Age of Trump. Before Toosi became a foreign affairs correspondent at POLITICO she worked for The Associated Press, where she reported from and/or served as an editor in New York, Islamabad, Kabul and London. She was one of the first foreign correspondents to reach Abbottabad, Pakistan, after the killing of Osama bin Laden. Prior to joining the AP, Toosi worked for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, where she mostly covered higher education but also managed to report from Iraq during the US invasion in 2003, as well as from Egypt, Thailand, and Germany.