KEEN ON AMERICA featuring Mark Danner
American foreign policy in a time when nowhere or nobody is really foreign anymore
American foreign policy in a time when nowhere or nobody is really foreign anymore
“The journalist Mark Danner, who covered the war and is
Mark Danner reviews the Donald Rumsfeld decade
Originally published in The New York Review of Books, “Syria: Is There a Solution?” was reprinted in the German magazine Lettre International.
To many Americans, Iraq now seems little more than a bad dream, best left unmentioned. Still, as the debate in the United States has turned to “the Syria dilemma” next door—and, more recently, to the US’s obligation to “stand up…for the interests of all” by enforcing President Obama’s declared “red line” against the use of chemical weapons there—the shadow of Iraq falls darkly over the landscape.
Mark Danner discusses American and Iraqi involvement in the Syrian
Buy this book at: The New York Review
Mark Danner speaking about the use of narrative and metaphor
Buy this book at: Barnes & Noble
Mark Danner in conversation with Sandy McCutcheon at Avid
Mark Danner in conversation with Fran Kelly, The Wheeler