Read Along with Berkeley
October 6, 2021
Join Mark Danner as he leads a seminar on Faulkner. Discussion questions include:
- In “That Evening Sun,” whose point of view are we seeing through and why is this important? How does it both limit and deepen the reader’s understanding?
- In “Dry September,” what role does Hawk the barber play in the proceedings and what is he doing in the story? Is he right to cast doubt on what actually took place?
- In “Red Leaves,” what does the title mean? What is Faulkner telling us about declining and rising cultures?
About the Program:
Read Along with Berkeley is a Program run by the Berkeley English Department to connect alumni to current English seminar classes. For each seminar, we provide selected readings and discussion questions, along with an invitation to join an ongoing online discussion and a monthly Open Office Hours with the professor.
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