70 items found
Masacre: La guerra sucia en El Salvador
Writing Race: Faulkner and His Progeny
Fall 2021 | UC Berkeley
Writing Manhood: Hemingway & His Progeny
Spring 2021 | UC Berkeley
Present at the Apocalypse: Writing About Our Damaged Politics
Spring 2021 | UC Berkeley
War and Data: Telling Human Rights Stories Using Open Sources
Spring 2020 | UC Berkeley
PoMo: Exploring the Landscape of Postmodernism
Spring 2020 | UC Berkeley
War Music: Covering Conflict in the Age of Forever War
Spring 2019 | UC Berkeley
On the Two Ways of Late Century Fiction: Nabokov and Naipaul
Spring 2019 | UC Berkeley
Laughter and Vision: Explorations in the Novel of Ideas
Fall 2018 | UC Berkeley
Laughter and Vision: Explorations in the Novel of Ideas
Fall 2018 | Bard College
Trump Abroad: America First and the End of Human Rights
Fall 2018 | Bard College
First Year Forum: Fundamentals of Journalism
Fall 2018 | UC Berkeley