50 Years: The New York Review of Books




On February 5, 2013, The New York Review of Books celebrated its 50th anniversary. Mark Danner read from his past work for the Review at the celebration at Town Hall in New York City.


Matthew HowardThe crowd outside Town Hall, February 5, 2013

On February 5, The New York Review celebrated its fiftieth anniversary with an evening at Town Hall in New York City. Before a packed crowd of 1,400 people, editor Robert Silvers introduced John Banville, Mary Beard, Michael Chabon, Mark Danner, Joan Didion, Daniel Mendelsohn, and Darryl Pinckney, who read from their past work in the Review and spoke about their relationship with the magazine, and its influence on their careers.

We present below some highlights from the event, along with a selection of photos by Beowulf Sheehan. The full audio of each speaker’s remarks will be posted later this month on our podcast.